The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Mary ('52) and I have been married since '52 and have been living in Wilmington, NC for the last 15 years. We are both active in community affairs and volunteering. Mary works with the Master Gardeners and I work at the local "Soup Kitchen" cooking every Thursday. I played in the local "Harbor Town" Fest band for 14 years. Our 3 children and 5 grand children all live in the Los Angles area. Five of us PSU Alumni Started the Local Alumni Chapter in our living room 13 years ago and we meet regularly for the Football games. I serve as the "Cheer Leader" and greet everyone with "WE ARE". I also throw some "NI, Double T AN Y" cheers and "S T A T E" cheers in - that the recent grads don't know. We lived and worked in Piqua, Ohio for 34 years and "got no respect" from OSU Fans! It was great there, But it didn't compare to good old PA. |